Homeodynamics |
the body manages itself

Homeodynamics is a way of viewing the human living system as defined by Martha Elizabeth Rogers (1914-1994). It is often also called "nursing theory". The three principles of homeodynamics are that human nature is dynamic, ever-changing and holistic. Within the space of functional medicine, homeodynamics captures the reality that there is no one homeostatic optimal state for any living system, but rather a range that dynamically adjusts in response to internal and external stimuli.

The three "r"s of reaching remission

Refeeding, resting and brain re-training are the three "r"s of the homeodynamic recovery method (HRDM). It requires eating nothing less than what an age, sex, weight and height-matched individual with no eating disorder eats to support daily energy needs on average. These intake levels are defined by doubly-labeled water method trial clinical data. Resting involves halting all discretionary activity and all formal exercise and workout sessions. Brain retraining is described below.

Brain Retraining | psychoeducational support & guidance

Prolonged net energy deficits (a combination of restricting food intake and exertion) generate cumulative damage in the body. Any psychoeducational guidance you seek will require that you are actively refeeding and resting otherwise your brain is too cognitively impaired (due to lack of energy) to absorb and apply all the techniques and knowledge given to you in each session.

Follow the white rabbit around EDI

The HDRM white rabbit (green outline) references following both the white rabbit in Lewis Carroll's Alice's Adventures in Wonderland, and its derivative reference within the Wachowski's movie, the Matrix, where the journey begins with the invitation to choose between the red or blue pill. Following the white rabbit takes you down the rabbit hole into the ever-shifting maze of recovery towards remission.

Highlighted Information

If you are new, or even if you have been around this site for a while, these highlighted EDI posts are here to distill what HDRM is and is not and a basic overview of the treatment modality.

Below, you will find further posts that delve into all the details of applying the HDRM including the all important Phases of Recovery Series.

Popular Information on HDRM

  • The Homeodynamic Recovery Method (HDRM) comprises four phases toward remission of an eating disorder: initial re-feeding, the neither/nor phase, the must-be-done-by-now phase, and the high-risk final phase. Read More

  • The most disturbing of the symptoms. Because the digestive system is going flat out but the energy deficit and damage throughout the body is enormous, a patient can be very full and very, very hungry.

    Experience of Hunger
    Extreme Hunger One
    Extreme Hunger Two

    Approaching and eating the food goes to the heart of an eating disorder: the misidentification of food as a threat.

    Food Fears One
    Food Fears Two
    Vegan Dilemma

  • Exercise is not advised when using HDRM to reach remission.

    Explanation and references in the following articles:

    Exercise One
    Exercise Two
    Exercise Three

  • Check out all the heavily referenced and detailed posts on: Fat

All HDRM papers in chronological order •

All HDRM papers in chronological order •