Treatment Options

Psychotherapy treatments are the dominant mode of science-based treatment available for eating disorder recovery today.

Many of the psychotherapeutic and psychoeducational modalities listed below can be complementary treatments to HDRM. This is due to the fact that HDRM has three core tenets to its application: refeeding, resting and brain retraining (psychotherapy/psychoeducational efforts) and patients are encouraged to mix and match the psychotherapeutic modalities that best suit their goals.

I have also added the psychotropic prescription drugs as a category below as while they are rarely standalone treatment, they are often prescribed as an adjunct to psychotherapeutic treatments.

Please note, EDI does not agree with the framing from the DSM that eating disorders are several discrete conditions defined by observable symptoms and patient-described distress. Several options below focus on body weight as a marker of recovery and often compensatory symptoms become the focus of the treatment (e.g. binges), rather than the underlying misidentification of food as a threat.

Treatment Options