
I’ve been distracted these past few months with the goings on in the world. As a result, my writing for the second book has fallen off a cliff and I haven’t generated any new posts here either.

Now it’s a new month, it seems fitting I refocus my efforts here and on the book. I have come to the conclusion that sipping from the fire hose of information is a bad idea. It’s challenging times that we are all entering, realizing that with that statement I am expressing a very narrow and western view of the world—plenty of people around the world have been in “challenging times” for decades to centuries.

In times of uncertainty, it’s probably best for me to focus on things I can do, rather than scan the horizon for every awful thing transpiring out there right now. This site has been in existence for 14 years coming up this October, and I’ve been working in the field of eating disorders for 16 as of this August. It’s here that I can hopefully do things for others.

A couple of folks have submitted new ideas for posts that could do with more focus on this site. Thank you! I’m going to attempt to address those ideas in the next few weeks.

The subject areas are:

  • mothers using restriction as stress management

  • the ongoing issue of representation for both larger bodies and non-white ethnicities when navigating a recovery process

  • ultra-processed foods, chronic conditions and the interface of still desiring predominantly ultra-processed foods when dealing with dogma from healthcare practitioners on the hierarchy of good foods to bad foods.

Big topics! I’ll announce on FB when the new posts are up and of course on the EDI home page.